Google Birthday 2019 : Whenever I needed you, you were there google

Google Birthday Special

On 21st birthday

Whenever I needed you, you were there.

When I needed design resources, you were there.

When I wanted to check if my internet is working, you were there

When I was lost in a new city, you were there.

When I needed to understand client briefs and translate it in our language, you were there.

When I wanted to cheer my mood up, you were there.

When I wanted to argue with the client and redesign the concept of a design project, you were there.

When I wanted to know the purpose of life in the middle of the night, you were there.

When I wanted original creative ideas, you were there.

When I wanted to waste my time doing nothing at all, you were still there.

Happy birthday, #Google!

What are some of the situations when Google was there for you?
Just comment with #ILoveYouGoogle

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