Typography Quiz: Take This Quiz To Test Your Skills

Typography is a very integral part of graphic designing. Taking this typography quiz will let you test your knowledge and skills regarding the same.

Typography is the art of making written language legible. It is a technique which helps us to arrange the type to make the language readable and also visually appealing at the same time. However, a designer can look for some typography tips while creating a logo which will help in achieving a good design. 

But wait!!

I’m here to test your skills. Before I go on to tell you anything, gear up for the upcoming quiz and see how much you know about typography.

Quizzes are fun and adventurous. It is just another way to test your skills. Just reading a book and getting the theoretical knowledge is not enough. There are some things that you might only learn with practice.

Similarly, when working on any such applications, it is important to experiment with its features and see what best you can get out of it.

Take this Typography quiz to test your skills

Each question in this quiz has three options. One out of the three options is correct.

Here are some more quizzes for you all, just in case you might want to try them…

Do share this post with Typography quiz with your friends and see how much they know about typography.


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