20 Inspirational Quotes About Design and Creativity From Creative Legends

3 min

Quotes About Design and Creativity: Creativity and designing are a part and parcel of each one of our lives. We are all surrounded by creativity and designing in some form or the other.  Creativity prevails in our homes, in our outfits, in the food that we eat. It is also a part of our places of work.

Each one of us needs some motivation and inspiration. Now, the question is, where does this inspiration flow to us from??

Yes, it comes from the biggies of our industry who are still working; it comes from the legends who have contributed a lot in the industry; it inspires us in form of quotes about designing and creativity. Inspiration though is always disguised, but it is even more effective when it comes from people who’ve been there. Inspiration can also be drawn from achievers, also at times not necessarily from the same industry.

This is like a formality, but basically for someone who is new here:

Designing is basically creating a blueprint using foresightedness which enables the artist to create a presence in the market. This could be anything from a product to a service or even a person. Anything that can sell could be marketed through designing. And creativity? It is needless to mention that creativity is like the sun which is the source of life. Creativity gives birth to designs. So, creativity is innovating new ideas, ways and even new graphics. We’re sure that our fellow designers would agree to this.

Here we have a list of some super motivating and inspiring quotes about designing and creativity and we hope that they work well; just in time.

On a day not so good or on days where creativity seems to have lost in the blues; these quotes would prove to be your best friend. We simply hope that these quotes about design and creativity help you focus on what you aim to achieve.

Quotes about Design and Creativity:


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Albert Einstein


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Vincent Van Gogh


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity – Sylvia Plath


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity – Pablo Picasso


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Mary Lou Cook


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity - Steve Jobs


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Pablo Picasso


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Masaru Ibuka


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Harvey Mackay


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Ralph Caplan


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Massimo Vignelli


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Margaret Oscar


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Joe Sparano


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Mariona Lopez


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Thomas Watson Jr


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Steve Jobs


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Milton Glaser


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity – Orson Welles


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Ellen Lupton


Inspirational Quotes about Design and Creativity Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We hope these quotes about design and creativity would give our designers the punch required to get back to work and create magic.