Google Chrome vs RAM Memes – See How Chrome and RAM Fight Each Other

2 min

We all struggle with Google Chrome’s high RAM usage and We all knows upgrading RAM is “much more difficult in laptops”.

RAM Eating Web Browser Google Chrome
Via :

Chrome may be the best browser around, but it eats up your Computer’ RAM more and more as time passes. If you have ever looked at your task manager, you have probably flipped out at the sheer number of Chrome processes and the memory they hog. We will post an article soon “how to fix high RAM usage of Google Chrome”.

Here is some funny images/gifs how Chrome and RAM fight each other.

1. I’m not gonna kill you I’m gonna hurt you really bad Chrome RAM memory

Chrome Ram Memes I'm not gonna kill you I'm gonna hurt you really bad chrome ram memory

2. When your parents ask where all thr ram went.

Chrome Ram Memes RAM Chrome parents

3. How Chrome sees RAM  Memory

Chrome Ram Memes How Chrome sees RAM memory

4. Google Chrome Eating RAM Magnate

Chrome Ram Memes Google Chrome Eating RAM- Magnate

5. Google Chrome Eating RAM Chrome vs Firefox vs Opera vs Internet Explorer

Google Chrome Eating RAM Chrome vs Firefox vs Opera vs Internet Explorer

Google Chrome Eating RAM- Animation

7. Google Chrome Eating RAM

Chrome Ram Memes gif Google Chrome Eating RAM Animation-2

8. Johnny Johnny Yes Papa Chrome Version

ms edge vs chrome Johnny Johnny Yes Papa Chrome Version