Inside the Mind of a Freelancer
Are you a freelancer? As i am a freelance designer I know the downside of the job as well. Some good point like freedom, flexibility, creating...
Are you a freelancer? As i am a freelance designer I know the downside of the job as well. Some good point like freedom, flexibility, creating...
Graphic Designers Will Surely Love These Memes...
Freelancer Needs to Know: Did you know that America’s freelance workforce earned $1 Trillion in 2016? Freelancers will represent 40% of the US workforce by...
Do you find yourself thinking about how to increase your client value? Many freelancers assume our client cares only about the quality of our design work. While it’s true that...
Freelancing Boon or Bane: Either designer or from another field we always thought freelancing is a great line to explore – haven’t you? Here are 7...