Hilarious Comic Strips – How Clients Ruin Web Design Project.

A client and a designer’s relationship is a mixed one with a little sweet and a lot of sour and irritating memories. All designers, some or the other time, witness some moments which become memories; good or bad, with their clients. These hilarious comic strips depict similar incidents which show a funny designer and client relationship. These funny comic strips will surely remind you of a similar situation that you might have encountered with your client. Even though these situations are funny, they are true.

Howmuchever a designer strives to meet the deadline, or work with cent percent accuracy as per the client’s brief, he is still seen struggling. The only reason is that most clients have unreal expectations which make them unhappy. A client must understand the fact that designers are human beings too. They are not Gods to foresee the requirements of a client. Until briefed well, a designer cannot create what the client expects. A designer needs time to build a concept and present it in a form that the client wants.

These funny comic strips cartoons depict the exact situation which a designer faces with his client. A designer is stuck badly owing to the ambiguity that persists between him and the client. This makes a designer’s life full of frustration. Most of the times, a designer is juggling between projects and struggling between deadlines.

So, if you need that dose of laughter between the work that always keeps you busy; do scroll down to see this funny comic strip. These hilarious client stories will surely make your eyes teary due to laughter.  Enjoy these hilarious comic strips and forget all your worries for a while.

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project.

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project

This Comic Strip Shows How Clients Ruin Web Design Project


I hope that you have had a great laugh while scrolling through our post on these hilarious comic strips. These funny comic strips cartoons are a wonderful creation of ‘oatmeal‘. You can also buy this poster. Do share this funny comic strip and make your friends forget their deadlines for a while at least.