English Version:15+ Worst Criticism by Design Managers
We had an Indian post on worst criticism by design managers already. This is the English version of the same post. Hope you all enjoy reading...
We had an Indian post on worst criticism by design managers already. This is the English version of the same post. Hope you all enjoy reading...
When you’re getting bored at work, and wish to take a break… How about resorting to a graphic designer meme? When the work becomes too...
Nope, no designer ever said any of this. We thought we’d compile a list the odd things to hear from a designer, but they don’t...
Worst Fonts Ever: Whether you are Pro Graphic Designer or Average, which you need to create a PowerPoint presentation. Choosing right font can be difficult,...
I remember when I was a kid, I went to the computer just to use ms paint. That was the first step. Now I am...
Nope, no designer ever said any of this. We thought we’d hop on the #SaidNoDesignerEver bandwagon and compile a list of things we bet have never...